2010, 49, 4, 233-237




Justyna Maria Lesiak1, Radosław Stachowiak1,*, Jacek Bielecki1

1Zakład Mikrobiologii Stosowanej, Instytut Mikrobiologii, Wydział Biologii UW
00-096 Warszawa, ul. Miecznikowa 1

Wpłynęło we wrześniu 2010 r.

1. Wstęp. 2. Podstawowe założenia. 3. Syntetyczne cząsteczki i układy biologiczne. 4. BioBrick - podstawowy standard tworzenia syntetycznych elementów. 5. Nazewnictwo polskojęzyczne. 6. Narzędzia matematyczno-informatyczne w biologii syntetycznej. 7. Wykorzystanie biologii syntetycznej w biotechnologii i medycynie. 8. Kwestie etyki w biologii syntetycznej. 9. Podsumowanie

Synthetic biology as a new application fields of science

Abstract: Synthetic biology is considered one of the most innovative disciplines of recent times. It may revolutionize not only researches on complex biological structures and systems, but also their application in medicine, pharmacology and biotechnological industry. Up to this moment we are able to synthesize large particles of DNA and DNA-analogues or even to use some nucleid triples as codons for newly created nucleotides for novel polypeptides and proteins. It is possible to use microorganisms for production of non-existing in nature biomolecules and biomaterials, or to create "thinking" biological systems, that will respond in predictable way to external stimuli. One of the most important features of synthetic biology is standardization. The most common standard is the BioBrick® Assembly Standard, developed by Tom Knight's group. It allows very simple and universal creating of genetic parts, as well as their exchange between laboratories and building up complex expression cassettes from basic parts. Although the BioBrick® Parts Registry is quickly expanding there is still a great need of new BioBricks®, especially those coding sequences of frequently used genes.

1. Introduction. 2. The basic assumptions. 3. Synthetic molecules and biological systems. 4. BioBrick - the basic standard for the creation of synthetic elements. 5. Polish nomenclature. 6. Mathematical and informatical tools on synthetic biology. 7. Use of synthetic biology in biotechnology and medicine. 8. Ethics in synthetic biology. 9. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: BioBrick, biological systems, biomolecules, genetic parts
Key words: BioBrick, systemy biologiczne, biocząsteczki, fragmenty genetyczne


* Autor korespondencyjny: Zakład Mikrobiologii Stosowanej, Instytut Mikrobiologii, Wydział Biologii UW, 00-096 Warszawa, ul. Miecznikowa 1; tel. 22 55 41 312, list

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