2010, 49, 3, 209-213



Wykład przedstawiony na Konferencji naukowej
„Mikrobiologia 100 lat po Robercie Kochu"
Polskiego Towarzystwa Mikrobiologów
w Warszawie w dniach 30—31 sierpnia 2010 r.

Małgorzata Fleischer

Katedra i Zakład Mikrobiologii, Akademia Medyczna, Wrocław

Nosocomial infection prophylaxis in Koch's time and today

Abstract: Nosocomial infections occurred since the establishment of first hospitals but their specificity and methods of prophylaxis have undergone great changes over the course of time. In this article, several chosen elements crucial to the success of infection prevention in hospitalized patients are presented with the emphasis on the meaning of the 19th century pioneer research which should be considered as the beginning of antisepsis and asepsis. Special attention was paid to the merits of Robert Koch who, among other things, devised methods for the evaluation of disinfectants activity and also conducted research on the means of thermal destruction of microorganisms with the use of dry hot air [dry heat sterilization] and steam. It has been stressed that despite the major development of science and technology, hospital-acquired infections remain a problem of contemporary medicine which is connected with patients being more vulnerable to diseases as well as poor prophylaxis.

Słowa kluczowe: zakażenia szpitalne, aseptyka, antyseptyka, sterylizacja
Key words: nosocomial infections, asepsis, antisepsis, sterilization


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