2010, 49, 3, 173-178



Wykład przedstawiony na Konferencji naukowej
„Mikrobiologia 100 lat po Robercie Kochu"
Polskiego Towarzystwa Mikrobiologów
w Warszawie w dniach 30—31 sierpnia 2010 r.

Beata Sadowska1*, Barbara Różalska1

1Zakład Biologii Zakażeń, Instytut Mikrobiologii, Biotechnologii i Immunologii, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Interferencja gronkowców z mechanizmami odpornościowymi gospodarza. 3. Aktywność immunomodulacyjna gronkowców. 4. S. aureus jako wewnątrzkomórkowy patogen. 5. Podsumowanie

Staphylococci - what's new about them?

Abstract: Several surface structures and secreted proteins of Staphylococcus aureus which take part in efficacious body colonization have been well characterized. Nevertheless, staphylococci are still very difficult to control and cause many types of both community and nosocomial infections, ranging from skin lesions to life-threatening invasive diseases. The exquisite staphylococcal adaptability to changing environmental conditions is the basis for the success of these bacteria as pathogens. Staphylococci can very quickly alter the phenotype using their gene expression regulatory systems. They can change the profile of produced virulence factors or mode of growth: bacteria from planktonic culture can rapidly adhere to various surfaces, aggregate and form very well organized, morphologically and functionally differentiated communities of microorganisms - biofilm. Staphylococcal biofilms show higher resistance to many bactericidal factors, including host innate immunity, and are responsible for usually chronic, recurrent infections, very often associated with the usage of medical biomaterials. S. aureus is also well adapted to intracellular survival, including immunocompetent cells i.e. professional phagocytes. Recently, it has been also confirmed that some of staphylococcal virulence factors can modulate immune response, both in vitro and in vivo, influencing host susceptibility to infection.

1. Introduction. 2. Staphylococcal interference with host immune response. 3. Immunomodulatory activity of staphylococci. 4. S. aureus as an intracellular pathogen. 5. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: czynniki wirulencji, gronkowce, immunomodulacja, układ odpornościowy
Key words: virulence factors, staphylococci, immunomodulation, immune system


* Autor korespondencyjny: Zakład Biologii Zakażeń, Instytut Mikrobiologii, Biotechnologii i Immunologii, Uniwersytet Łódzki; Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź, list

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