2009, 48, 3, 221-230



Michalina Suchorzyńska*, Anna Misiewicz

Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego Zakład Mikrobiologii,
ul. Rakowiecka 36, 02-532 Warszawa

Wpłynęło w sierpniu 2009 r.

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Charakterystyka rodzaju Fusarium. 2.1. Morfologia. 2.2. Charakterystyka ważnych gatunków Fusarium. 2.2.1. Fusarium culmorum. 2.2.2. Fusarium graminearum. 2.2.3. Fusarium poae. 2.3. Choroby powodowane przez Fusarium sp. 3. Mikotoksyny. 4. Mikotoksyny fuzaryjne. 4.1. Bowerycyna, moniliformina, fumonizyny. 4.2. Zearalenon. 4.3. Trichoteceny. 4.3.1 Trichoteceny z grupy B. 4.3.2. Trichoteceny z grupy A. 5. Występowanie mikotoksyn fuzaryjnych w Polsce i na świecie. 6. Najważniejsze czynniki środowiska związane z tworzeniem mikotoksyn. 7. Geny warunkujące formowanie zearalenonu i trichotecenów. 7.1. Charakterystyka Tri5, Tri7, Tri3 i Tri13. 7.2. Charakterystyka PKS4 i PKS13. 8. Metody molekularne. 8.1. Metody detekcji i identyfikacji oparte na procedurze PCR. 8.1.1 SCAR. 8.1.2. RT-PCR. 8.1.3. Real-Time PCR. 9. Podsumowanie

Mycotoxigenic phythopathogenic fungi of Fusarium genus and their identification by PCR techniques

Abstract: Fungi belonging to the genus Fusarium are recognized as one of the most dangerous pathogens causing serious plant, human and animal diseases. In addition, they are able to produce very toxic compounds knows as mycotoxins. Mycotoxins have various toxic effects on microorganisms, plants, animals and humans. The most common mycotoxins found in the natural environment are zearalenone and trochothecenes, including deoxynivalenol. These compounds cause disorders and deformations during plant growth. They also cause human and animal diseases connected with digestive, reproductive and immune system. Lots of genes are recognized in the biosynthesis of these mycotoxins. Essential genes in trichothecenes synthesis are Tri5 and Tri7 genes, and in zearalenone synthesis another two genes PKS4 and PKS14. Molecular methods based on PCR allow to evaluation of mycotoxicity of filamentous fungi. The easiest and most frequently used method is SCAR. Other molecular analyses like RT-PCR and Real-Time PCR are very expensive methods but are also very sensitive and less and less labour-intensive and thus are used in this kind of tests as well.

1. Introduction. 2. Characterization of Fusarium genus. 2.1. Morfology. 2.2. Characterization of important Fusarium species. 2.2.1. Fusarium culmorum. 2.2.2. Fusarium graminearum. 2.2.3. Fusarium poae. 2.3. Diseases caused by Fusarium sp. 3. Mycotoxins. 4. Fusarium mycotoxins. 4.1. Beauvericins, moniliformin, fumonisins. 4.2. Zearalenone. 4.3. Trichothecenes. 4.3.1 Type B trichothecenes. 4.3.2. Type A trichothecenes. 5. Occurence of fusarium mycotoxins worldwide and in Poland. 6. The most important factors involved in mycotoxins synthesis. 7. Genes involved in the biosynthesis of zearalenone and trichothecenes. 7.1. Characterization of Tri5, Tri7, Tr3 and Tri13. 7.2. Characterization of PKS4 and PKS13. 8. Molecular methods. 8.1. Detection and identification methods based on PCR. 8.1.1 SCAR. 8.1.2. RT-PCR. 8.1.3. Real-Time PCR. 9. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: Fusarium sp, mikotoksyny, PCR, trichoteceny, zearalenon
Key words: Fusarium sp., mycotoxins, PCR, trichothecenes, zearalenone


* Autor korespondencyjny: Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego, Zakład Mikrobiologii, ul. Rakowiecka 36, 02-532 Warszawa;
(022) 6063680, (022) 606 36 74, list   list


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