2009, 48, 2, 143-150



Jowita Samanta Niczyporuk*, Elżbieta Samorel-Salmonowicz,
Hanna Czekaj

Zakład Chorób Wirusowych Drobiu, Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, AL Partyzantów 57, 24-100 Puławy

Wpłynęło w lipcu 2009 r.

1. Ogólna charakterystyka rodziny Reoviridae. 2. Morfologia. 2.1. Wirion. 2.2. Genom. 2.3. Białka wirusowe (białka strukturalne, białka niestrukturalne). 3. Właściwości onkolityczne reowirusów. 4. Występowanie zakażeń u ludzi. 5. Zakażenia u trzody chlewnej. 6. Reowirusy u drobiu. 7. Diagnostyka zakażeń. 8. Immunoprofilaktyka. 9. Podsumowanie

Reoviruses - structure and pathogenicity for human and animals

Abstract: Avian reoviruses have icosahedral symmetry and a capsid with a diameter of 75-80 nm enclosing segmented double - stranded RNA and are non-enveloped. The members of the Orthoreovirus genus have been classified into mammalian and avian origen groups. Both groups have a genome consisting of 10-12 segments encoding eight structural proteins and four non-structural proteins separated into three size classes: large (l), medium (m), and small (d). Avian reoviruses have failed to replicate in most of the mammalian cell lines tested. Four of Reoviridae genera - Orthoreovirus, Coltivirus, Rotavirus, and Orbivirus are cause of human dieseases, in most cases symptomless. Human rotaviruses cause inflammation, mainly of the upper gastrointestinal tract, which affects usually children of 6 to 24 months of age. Reoviruses carried by thick D. andersoni are frequently responsible for Colorado thick fever in USA. Reoviruses of types 1 and 3, rotaviruses, and orbiviruses can infect porcine by respiratory or oral route. Most of the infections are symptomless or manifested by fever and diarrhea. Avian reoviruses have been isolated from chickens without any clinical signs of disease, but also are associated with poultry disease conditions such as tenosynovitis, gastrointestinal malabsorption syndrome, growth retardation, and sudden death. They infect wild and farm-raised birds. Vaccination is most important to control reoviruses.

1. General characteristic of Reoviridae family. 2. Morphology. 2.1. Virion. 2.2. Genome. 2.3. Reowirus proteins (structural and nonstructural proteins). 3. Oncolytic proteins. 4. Infections in humans. 5. Porcine infections. 6. Reoviruses in poultry. 7. Diagnostics of reovirus infection. 8. Immunoprophylaxis. 9. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: budowa, chorobotwórczość, Reowirusy
Key words: pathogenicity, Reoviruses, structure


* Autor korespondencyjny: Al. Partyzantów 57, 24-100 Puławy, list


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