2007, 47, 1, 137-148



Ewa Nikoronow, Renata Godlewska, Elżbieta K. Jagusztyn-Krynicka*

Zakład Genetyki Bakterii UW, ul. Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warszawa
Wpłynęło w maju 2008 r.

1. Objawy chorobowe, epidemiologia zakażeń H. pylori. 2. Przezwyciężenie pierwszej fizjologicznej bariery - niskie pH w żołądku. 3. Rozpoznanie patogenu przez komórki nabłonkowe. 3.1. Oddziaływanie H. pylori z receptorami TLR. 3.2. Stymulacja receptorów NOD. 4. Oddziaływanie H. pylori z profesjonalnymi komórkami żernymi. 5. Wpływ infekcji H. pylori na aktywność eozynofili, bazofili, komórek tucznych i komórek NK. 6. Podsumowanie
The interaction of Helicobacter pylori with the innate immune system
Abstract: Helicobacter pylori, Gram-negative spiral-shaped bacterium and a mem-ber of the e-Proteobacteria, colonizes the gastric mucosa of humans. It was first isolated in 1983 from a patient with chronic active gastritis. It is now recognized that H. pylori infects about half of the world's population (87% of the Polish population). H. pylori has been identified as the causative agent of chronic inflammation, chronic gastritis and peptic ulceration and is considered a risk factor for the development of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma and adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Based on the results of clinical studies, the World Health Organization has classified H. pylori as a class I carcinogen. Although more than 50% of the human population is infected with H. pylori only a subset develops the disease. A distinctive feature of H. pylori infection is its long-term colonization of the stomach. This review presents recent developments concerning the interference of H. pylori with the host innate immune system. H. pylori posseses many adaptations allowing the pathogen to overcome the activities of the innate immune system, such as: low pH in the stomach, the recognition by epithelial cells and phagocytosis. The suppression of the host defence mechanisms and the modulation of the immune response enable the pathogen to generate chronic infections.
1. Disease symptoms and epidemiology of H. pylori infection. 2. Overcoming the first physiological barrier - low pH in the stomach. 3. Recognition of the pathogen by epithelial cells. 3.1. Interference of H. pylori with TLR receptors. 3.2. Stimulation of NOD receptors. 4. Interaction with phagocytic cells. 5. Influence of the H. pylori infection on the activity of eosinophils, basophiles, mast cells and NK cells. 6. Conclusions

Słowa kluczowe: Helicobacter pylori, odporność wrodzona, receptory TLR,
                         receptory NOD, komórki fagocytujące
Key words: Helicobacter pylori, innate immunity, TLR receptors, NOD receptors,
                 phagocytic cells

Autor korespondencyjny: Zakład Genetyki Bakterii UW, ul. Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warszawa; e-mail:; tel. (022) 55 41 216


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