2007, 46, 4, 291-300



Paweł Krzyściak, Agnieszka Halska, Anna B. Macura

Zakład Mykologii Katedry Mikrobiologii CM UJ, ul. Czysta 18, 31-121 Kraków
e-mail:, tel. (012) 633 08 77

Wpłynęło w kwietniu 2007 r.

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Taksonomia, systematyka, genetyka. 3. Morfologia, diagnostyka. 4. Biologia, fizjologia. 5. Występowanie i epidemiologia. 6. Chorobotwórczość. 7. Wrażliwość na leki i leczenie. 8. Podsumowanie

Occurrence and pathogenicity of the fungi Rhodotorula spp.

Abstract: The fungi Rhodotorula are ubiquitous in the human environment. Until recently, they were considered to be saprophytes and/or biological material contaminants. Out of fifty species belonging to this genus, only three are pathogenic. An increase in the number of infections has been reported in the recent years because of the growing number of patients in the risk groups. The analysis of the documented infections has provided evidence that the main predisposing factors are indwelling central venous catheters. In this study, we describe the systematics, genetics and morphology as well as the diagnostics, occurrence and epidemiology of the fungi. The susceptibility of Rhodotorula to antifungal agents and the patterns of treatment of Rhodotorula infections are also presented.

1. Introduction. 2. Taxonomy, systematics, genetics. 3. Morphology, diagnostics. 4. Biology, physiology. 5. Occurrence and epidemiology. 6. Pathogenicity. 7. Drug susceptibility and management. 8. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: grzybice narządowe, Rhodotorula
Key words: deep mycoses, Rhodotorula



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