2007, 46, 3, 211-221



Tomasz Dzieciątkowski1, Agnieszka Rola2, Anna Majewska1,
Magdalena Solarska1, Mirosław Łuczak1

1Katedra i Zakład Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie
ul. Chałubińskiego 5, 02-005 Warszawa, tel. (22) 622 00 28,
2Wydział Rolnictwa i Biologii Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-786 Warszawa

Wpłynęło w grudniu 2006 r.

1. Wstęp. 2. Pierwsze preparaty przeciwherpeswirusowe. 3. Acyklowir (ACV). 4. Gancyklowir (GCV). 5. Pencyklowir. 6. Pochodne estrowe analogów nukleozydów. 7. Analogi nukleotydów. 8. Foskarnet. 9. Nowe preparaty przeciwherpeswirusowe. 10. Podsumowanie

Drugs used in antiherpesviral therapy in humans

Abstract: This paper reviews current knowledge about drugs and agents used in modern antiviral therapy and prophylaxis in humans. Described compounds possess an antiviral activity against Herpesviridae family, which contains large, enveloped DNA viruses. The study presents methods of treatment of different diseases caused by herpesviruses and dosage recommendations. The problem of viral resistance to available chemotherapeutics used in routine therapy is also shown. Although herpesviruses infect healthy children and adults, the diseases they cause are more severe and extensive in immunocompromised patients, in whom reactivation from latency appears more often. Therefore, further investigation of no vel groups of compounds and their derivatives is highly justified, since they may constitute a base for future antiviral chemotherapeutics.

1. Introduction. 2. First anti-herpesviral agents. 3. Aciclovir (ACV). 4. Ganciclovir (GCV). 5. Penciclovir. 6. Ester derivatives of nucleoside analogues. 7. Nucleotide analogues. 8. Foscarnet. 9. Novel antiherpesviral agents. 10. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: analogi nukleozydów, foskarnet, herpeswirusy, terapia
Key words: nucleoside analogues, foscarnet, herpesviruses, antiviral therapy


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