2007, 46, 2, 167-177



Monika Stępień, Beata Sokół-Leszczyńska, Mirosław Łuczak

 2Katedra i Zakład Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej Akademii Medycznej, 02-004 Warszawa, ul. Chałubińskiego 5, e-mail:

Wpłynęło w grudniu 2005 r.

1. Wprowadzenie 2. Podział mykotoksyn. 2.1 Aflatoksyny. 2.2 Ochratoksyna. 2.3 Patulina. 2.4 Fumonizyny. 2.5 Trichoteceny. 2.6 Sterigmatocystyna. 2.7 Luteoskiryna. 2.8 Kwas byssochlaminowy. 2.9 Cytrynina. 2.10 Kwas penicylinowy. 3. Wykrywanie mykotoksyn. 4. Epidemiologia mykotoksykoz. 6. Uwagi końcowe

Mycotoxins, food products and human health

Abstract: The basic problem from the point of view of healthy nutrition and food safety is to protect food against pathogenic bacteria, fungi and chemical contamination. These agents have significant influence on the state of human health. The protection means minimalization of the possibility of occurrence of food poisoning where contaminated food is the source of poisoning. Food poisoning is caused by the consumption food containing pathogenic bacteria, its toxins or mycotoxins. While taking care of food quality, problems concerning mycotoxins and the threat related to them cannot be left aside.

1. Introduction. 2. Classification of mycotoxins. 2.1 Aflatoxins. 2.2 Ochratoxins. 2.3 Patulin. 2.4 Fumonisins. 2.5 Trichothecenes. 2.6 Sterigmatocystin. 2.7 Luteoskirin. 2.8 Byssochlamin acid. 2.9 Citrinin. 2.10 Penicillic acid. 3. Detection of mycotoxins. 4. Epidemiology of mycotoxicosis. 6. Conclusions

Słowa kluczowe: mykotoksyny, występowanie, działanie, wykrywanie,
                            epidemiologia mykotoksykoz
Key words: mycotoxins, oceurrence, action, detection, epidemiology


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