2007, 46, 2, 153-165



Joanna Bienias1, Sławomira Krzemień1, Urszula Mazurek2

1Katedra i Klinika Hematologii i Transplantacji Szpiku Śląskiej AM w Katowicach ul. Reymonta 8, 40-029 Katowice, tel. (032) 259 12 99,
 2Katedra i Zakład Biologii Molekularnej i Genetyki Medycznej
Śląskiej AM w Katowicach

Wpłynęło w listopadzie 2005 r.

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Systematyka EBV. 3. Rys historyczny. 4. Droga wnikania wirionów. 5. Budowa genomu EBV. Ekspresja genów, funkcja ich produktów. 6. Cykl lityczny wirusa Epsteina-Barr. 7. Proces immortalizacji, latencji, transformacji blastycznej. 8. Reaktywacja EBV. 9. Wykrywanie wirusa. 10. Znaczenie EBV w transplantologii. 11. Podsumowanie

Epstein-Barr virus - epidemiological, biomolecular and transplantological aspects

Abstract: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human gammaherpesvirus that infects more than 90% of the world's population. The most common manifestation of primary infection is acute infectious mononucleosis. EBV is associated with various lymphoid and epitheloid malignancies such as Burkitfs lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, nosopharyngeal carcinoma and with Duncan's syn-drome. EBV specifically infects nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, resting B lymphocytes and rarely T-cells and natural killer cells. The EBV genome in the virus particle is a linear double-stranded DNA 172 kbp in length. Primary infection with EBV is followed by latent infection, a characteristic of herpesviruses. During latent infection the virus is present in cells as an episome in the nucleus. Latently infected lymphocytes and epithelial cells persist and are immortalized. EBV can occur in a latent state that reactivates under conditions linked to the development of cellular immunodeficiency. Standard serological techniques are the most common methods for EBV-detection. Molecular methods like nested PCR, in situ hybridization and Real Time PCR are the most sensitive and specific. One of the serious complications associated with EBV infection is posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder. PTLD refers to a syndrom that includes a wide range of abnormal hyperplastic or neoplastic lymphocyte growths, ranging from a benign self-limited form of lymphoproliferation to an aggressive, widely disseminated disease. The most immediate treatment is to reduce the level of immunosupression, other methods include: systemic antiviral therapy, cytokine therapy, radiotherapy, chemo-therapy and the recent innovation in the treatment of EBV-related malignancies - cell therapy.

1. Introduction. 2. Taxonomy of EBV. 3. Discovery of EBV. 4. Pathway of virus penetration. 5. Structure of EBV genome. Gene expression and funetions of the gene products. 6. Lytic cycle of Epstein-Barr virus. 7. Process of immortalization, latency andblastic transformation. 8. EBV reactivation. 9. Virus detection. 10. Significance of EBV in transplantology. 11. Summary.

Słowa kluczowe: wirus Epsteina-Barr, zakażenie, genom, transplantologia
Key words: Epstein-Barr virus, infection, genome, transplantology


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