2007, 46, 2, 87-101



Anna Sajduda
Zakład Genetyki Drobnoustrojów, Instytut Mikrobiologii i Immunologii, Uniwersytet Łódzki, ul. Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź,

Wpłynęło w listopadzie 2006 r.

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Fenotypowe metody wykrywania lekooporności u M. tuberculosis. 3. Genetyczne metody wykrywania lekooporności u M. tuberculosis. 4. Wykrywanie lekooporności u prątków nie gruźliczych (NTM). 5. Podsumowanie

New methods for drug resistance detection in mycobacteria

Abstract: Mycobacteria comprise a diverse group of bacteria that are widespread in nature. Some of the species belonging to this group cause diseases in humans. Members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex are the most important human pathogens of the genus Mycobacterium and are the cause of tuberculosis (TB). TB remains one of the major causes of death by a single infectious agent worldwide. Of great concern for TB control is the emergence of drug resistance. Since there is no cure for some multidrug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis, there is concern that they may spread around the world, stressing the need for additional control measures, such as new diagnostics, better drugs for treatment and a more effective vaccine. The emergence of multidrug-resistant TB calls for new rapid drug susceptibility tests. Recent advances in the field of molecular biology and progress in the understanding of the molecular basis of drug resistance have provided new tools for rapid drug resistance detection of M. tuberculosis and other mycobacteria. Other types of methodologies which provide rapid results by detecting early signs of mycobacterial growth are being introduced such as the measurement of metabolism with the aid of color indicators, detection of oxygen consumption, production of CO2, etc. The present review discusses recent developments in these two areas.

1. Introduction. 2. Phenotypic methods for drug resistance detection in M. tuberculosis. 3. Genotypie methods for drug resistance detection in M. tuberculosis. 4. Drug resistance detection in non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). 5. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: diagnostyka, lekooporność, metody fenotypowe, metody
                            genetyczne, Mycobacterium
Key words: detection, drug resistance, phenotypic methods, genotypie
                   methods, mycobacteria


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