2006, 45, 4, 261-273



Elżbieta Wojtkowiak-Gębarowska
Zakład Mikrobiologii Rolniczej, Katedra Ochrony Roślin, AR Wrocław, ul. Grunwaldzka 53, 53-375 Wrocław, e-mail:

Wpłynęło w styczniu 2006 r.

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Charakterystyka grzybów z rodzaju Trichoderma. 2.1. Systematyka i morfologia. 2.2. Wpływ środowiska na występowanie i antagonizm grzybów z rodzaju Trichoderma. 3. Mechanizm działania Trichoderma w biologicznej ochronie chorób roślin. 3.1. Oddziaływanie grzybów Trichoderma na inne drobnoustroje. 3.1.1. Konkurencja. 3.1.2. Antybioza. 3.1.3. Mykopasożytnictwo. 3.4. Mechanizmy indukujące wzrost i zdrowotność roślin. 3.4.1. Stymulacja wzrostu roślin. 3.4.2. Indukcja systemicznej odporności roślin. 4. Możliwości i ograniczenia wykorzystania szczepów Trichoderma w praktyce. 5. Podsumowanie

Mechanisms of biological control soil-borne plant pathogen by fungus from genus Trichoderma

Abstract: Different mechanisms have been suggested as being responsible for biological control several phytopathogenic fungi by Trichoderma species. The antagonistic activity is connected with of mycoparasitic process as well as competition about sites infection on root and/or for a nutrients in the rhizosphere. Several strains of Trichoderma spp. are well known producers of volatile and nonvolatile antibiotics (e.g. peptaibols, sesquiterpenes, isonitriles, polikektyde and alkyl pyrones). Main role in the mycoparasitic process play cell wall-degrading enzymes (e.g. chitinases, glucanases, celulases and proteinases). Some strains of Trichoderma can also promote plant growth trough enhanced of production of plant hormones and vitamins, improved mineral uptake, increase availability biogenic elements as well as nutrient release from the soil and organic matter. Trichoderma fungi can enhancing resistance of plants trough stimulation of the production of phenolic compounds (phytoalexins) and of several hydrolases like chitynases and b-1,3-glucanases with antimicrobial potential. Antagonistic activity of Trichoderma species may be connected with one or a combination of these mechanisms. However, prior the exploit of Trichoderma species as biofungicides for a plant protection it must be to precise known the mode of interaction between Trichoderma - pathogen-plant under different environmental conditions. Applicability of such biofungicides to range commercial is still smali, because big variability of results under field conditions. Furthermore our knowledge about the factors influencing the efficacy of bioproducts based on Trichoderma fungus under natural condition, especially within the frame of Integrated Pest Management systems is limited.

1. Introduction. 2. Characterization fungi from genus Trichoderma. 2.1. Taxonomy and morphology. 2.2. Influence of environment on the oceurrence and antagonism fungus from genus Trichoderma. 3. Mechanism action of Trichoderma in biological control of plant diseases. 3.1. Influence of Trichoderma fungus on another microorganisms. 3.1.1. Competition. 3.1.2. Antibiosis. 3.1.3. Mycoparasitism. 3.4. Mechanisms induetion growth and sanitary conditions of plant. 3.4.1. Stimulation of growth of plant. 3.4.2. Induction systemie resistance of plant. 4. Possibility and limitation utilization Trichoderma species in practice. 5. Summary

Słowa kluczowe:  antagonizm, biologiczna ochrona, biopreparaty,
                          odporność roślin
Key words:  antagonism, biofungicides, biological control, resistance of plant


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