2006, 45, 2, 119-134



Agnieszka Wyszyńska, Elżbieta Katarzyna Jagusztyn-Krynicka
Zakład Genetyki Bakterii, Instytut Mikrobiologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski ul. Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warszawa, tel. 55-41-341,

Wpłynęło w wrześniu 2005

1. Wstęp. 2. Nowe tendencje w konstrukcji szczepionek podjednostkowych. 2.1 Wybór antygenu. 2.2 Droga dostarczenia antygenu. 2.2.1 Atenuowane szczepy bakterii i wirusów. 2.2.2 „Bakteryjne duchy". 2.2.3 Transgeniczne rośliny. 2.2.4 Probiotyki. 2.3 Nowe adiuwanty. 2.3.1 Toksyny LT i CT. 2.3.2 Oligodeoksynukleotydy CpG. 3. Podsumowanie

New tendencies in the construction of subunit vaccines

Abstract: During the past 100 years, the wide spread use of vaccines has begun to ameliorate the devastating effects of infectious disease, increasing the average life expectancy and enhancing the quality of life of those who have been vaccinated. Smallpox has been eradicated and other diseases such as poliomyelitis or measles have been reduced to very low levels in many regions of the world. Despite the extraordinary success of many currently used vaccines, there is a need for their improvement. Vaccines should be inexpensive to produce, stable in the absence of refrigeration, safe and efficacious, and able to be given orally or intranasally rather than by injection. Whole-genome sequencing of bacteria and advances in bioinformatics have revolutionised the vaccinology field. Genomic approaches allow prediction of all antigens, independent of their abundance and immunogenicity during infection, without the need to grow the pathogen in vitro. Moreover scientific advances in molecular biology and immunology have improved understanding of many diseases and led to the development of novel strategies for vaccination. This article presents recent progress towards the production of subunit vaccines based on dietary lactic acid bacteria (LAB), transgenic plants and bacterial ghost system. The expression of protective antigens in transgenic plants represents a potentially cost-effective approach to the production of oral 'edible' vaccines. Non-pathogenic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are attractive as live carriers to deliver protective antigens to the mucosal immune system and the bacterial ghost system is a novel vaccine delivery system endowed with intrinsic adjuvant properties.

1. Introduction. 2. New tendencies in the construction of subunit vaccines. 2.1 Selection of the antigen. 2.2 Route of antigen administration. 2.2.1 Attenuated bacterial and viral strains. 2.2.2 "Bacterial ghost". 2.2.3 Transgenic plants. 2.2.4 Probiotics. 2.3 New adjuvants. 2.3.1 LT and CT toxins. 2.3.2 CpG oligodeoxynucleotides. 3. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: adiuwant, antygen, probiotyki, szczepionki podjednostkowe
Key words: adjuvant, antigen, probiotics, subunit vaccines


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