2005, 44, 3, 39-45



Dorota Kręgiel


Instytut Technologii Fermentacji i Mikrobiologii, Politechnika Łódzka
ul. Wólczańska 171/173, 90-924 ŁódŸ,


Wpłynęło w sierpniu 2004


1. Drożdże Schwanniomyces sp. oraz ich amylazy. 2. Efekt Kluyvera jako jeden z podstawowych mechanizmów regulacyjnych u drożdży Schwanniomyces sp. 3. Podsumowanie


The Kluyver effect in yeast Schwanniomyces sp.


Abstract: Yeast Schwanniomyces sp. and other yeast species can grow on maltose and other saccharides aerobically, but they cannot grow on these sugars anaerobically or in the absence of respiration. Assimilation of these carbon sources occurs only under respiring conditions. The phenomenon has been known by the classical name of the Kluyver effect. This effect is widely observed in ulilization of different nonglucose sugars by many yeast species. Although the reason for this apparent dependence on respiration for the assimilation of certain sugars is not clear, the phenomenon does appear to be brought about by the interplay of several factors involving lowered rate of transport and metabolism of certain sugars. The Crabtree-positive yeasts, eg. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are Kluyver-negative generally, but Crabtree-negative strains shows this phenomenon very often. This paper presents the main hypothesis on the presence of Kluyver effect in Crabtree-negative yeast Schwanniomyces sp. This phenomenon has practical importance because glucose is not the main sugar substrate in fermentative processes.


1. Yeast Schwanniomyces sp. and its amylases. 2. The Kluyver effect as one of the principle regulatory mechanisms in yeast Schwanniomyces sp. 3. Conclusions


Słowa kluczowe: amylazy, drożdże, efekt Kluyvera, Schwanniomyces sp.
Key words: amylases, yeast, Kluyver effect, Schwanniomyces sp.  


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