2004, 43, 4, 409-431


Antoni Różalski

Artykuł dedykowany prof. dr hab. Krystynie Kotełko, jest zmodyfikowaną formą. wykładu wygłoszonego 26 października 2004 na Sesji Naukowej pt. ,,Badania immunochemiczne endotoksyn (LPS) bakterii", podczas uroczystości poświęconej pamięci prof. dr hab. Krystyny Kotełko, na Wydziale Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego


1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Czynniki patogenności pałeczek Proteus. 2.1. Lipopolisacharyd. 2.2. Ureaza. 2.3. Proteazy. 2.4. Hemolizyny. 2.5. Fimbrie i afimbriowe adhezyny. 2.6. Rzęski. 2.7. Inne czynniki chorobotwórczości Proteus. 3. Podsumowanie


Lipopolysaccharide and others virulence factors of Proteus bacilli


Abstract: Proteus bacteria are opportunistic pathogens, which cause mainly urinary tract infections (UTI), leading to severe complications, such as pyelonephrithis and formation of bladder and kidney stones. Proteus bacilli are dimorphic bacteria, which exhibit swarming phenomenon. When grown in a liquid medium, they are motile, short rods (swimmer cells) 1,0 to 2,0 |im in length, with 6-10 flagella per cell. When transferred to a solid medium, Proteus short bacilli differentiate to swarmer cells, which are multinucleated, nonseptated cells 20-80 \im in length containing much more flagella. Virulence factors of Proteus sp. are swarming phenomenon, adherence due to the flmbriae or glycocalyx, flagella, invasiveness, urease, amino acids deaminases, proteases, hemolysins, capsular polysaccharide (CPS), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS, endotoxin). LPSs of these bacteria are built up three regions: O-specific part (0-antigen), core region and lipid A. Acidic O-specific polysaccharides mainly due to the presence of uronic acids represent the majority of Proteus O-antigens. Chemical and serological studies of the O-antigens have been undertaken with the aim to show the molecular basis of the serological classifica­tion of Proteus bacteria. The core region of LPS differs between strains. LPS of Proteus bacilli can be involved in biofilm creation, it contributes to the resistance of bacteria against the bactericidal action of serum and to the formation of urine stones. The present review is mainly focused on the structure and biological function of LPS, however, molecular basis and the pathophysiological role of others factors involved in the infections caused by Proteus sp., are discussed.


1. Introduction. 2. Virulence factors of Proteus bacilli. 2.1. Lipopolysaccharide. 2.2. Urease. 2.3. Proteases. 2.4. Hemolysins. 2.5. Fimbriae and afimbrial adhesins. 2.6. Flagella. 2.7. Others virulence factors of Proteus. 3. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: Bakterie Proteus, czynniki chorobotwórczości bakterii, lipopolisacharyd, zakażenia dróg moczowych (UTI)

Key words: Proteus bacteria, virulence factors of bacteria, lipopolysaccharides, urinary tract infections (UTI)


Zakład Immunobiologii Bakterii
Instytut Mikrobiologii i Immunologii
Uniwersytet Łódzki
90-237 Łódź, Banacha 12/16
tel. (42) 6354464, faks: (42) 6655818



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