2003, 42, 4, 369-384






Ewa Sadowy







1. Wstęp. 2. Czynniki wpływające na nosicielstwo. 3. Adhezja bakterii do komórek gospodarza. 3.1. Czynniki adhezji bakterii Gram-ujemnych. 3.2. Czynniki adhezji pneumokoków. 4. Zaburzanie funkcjonowania rzęsek nabłonka oddechowego. 5. Pobieranie składników odżywczych. 6. Unikanie skutków działania układu immunologicznego. 7. Regulacja ekspresji genów związanych z kolonizacją. 8. Komunikacja wewnątrz populacji bakterii ko1onizujących i wymiana materiału genetycznego. 9. Wzajemne oddziaływanie różnych gatunków: symbioza i antagonizm. 10. Nosicielstwo nosogardłowe a rozwój choroby. 11. Podsumowanie


Bacterial carriage in human nasopharynx: selected molecular aspects

Abstract:   many humans are symptomless carriers of such potentially pathogenic bacteria as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis. The frequency of carriage rates varies greatly among people, showing dependency from age, season, living conditions and opportunity to contact the carriers by a given person. Human organisrn possesses several mechanisms that counteract microbial colonization. To successfully colonize, bacteria must adhere to host epithelial cells, evade the activity of immune system and acquire nutrients indispensable for their growth. As human nasopharynx can host several strains and bacterial species, it is also a place of frequent genetic exchange and various interactions among microorganisms, both symbiotic and antagonistic in nature. The recent developments in genomics and related approaches already have contributed and soon will lead to better understanding the phenomena occurring during the carriage and factors promoting transition to the disease state.

1. Introduction. 2. Factors influencing bacterial carriage in humans. 3. Bacterial adhesion to host cells. 3.1. Adhesion factors: Gram-negative bacteria. 3.2. Adhesion factors: pneumococci. 4. Interference with the clearance activity of respiratory tract cilia. 5. Acquisition of nutrients. 6. Evasion of host immunological system. 7. Regulation of expression of the genes involved in colonization. 8. Communication within populations of colonizing bacteria and genetic material exchange. 9. Mutual relationships among species: symbiosis and antagonism. 10. Nasopharyngeal carriage and development of a disease. 11. Summary


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