2003, 42, 2, 161-192





Jacek Kozdrój







1. Wstęp. 2. Podstawy współczesnego paradygmatu ewolucyjnego. 3. Nieścisłości w paradygmacie ewolucyjnym. 4. Krytyka zasadności koncepcji trój domenowej 5. Alternatywna koncepcja ewolucji Prokaryota. 6. Pozycja archebakterii w nowym modelu ewolucji. 7. Pochodzenie i stosunki filogenetyczne bakterii dwuwarstwowych. 8. Związek ewolucyjny Eukaryota z proteobakteriami. 9. Synteza nowej koncepcji ewolucji Prokaryota i pochodzenia Eukaryota


Three domains or two? Outlook upon evolution of Prokaryota and the origin of Eukaryota

Abstract: Evolutionary relationships among prokaryotes and the origin of eukaryotes are discussed in this review. Molecular data of rRNA sequences derived from different organisms led Woese and collaborators to propose the three-domain universal tree of all living organisms consisting of archaebacteria (Archaea), eubacteria (Bacteria) and eukaryotes (Eukarya). Since its introduction to the science, the proposal has been widely accepted among biologists as an evolutionary paradigm. However, this proposal, based primarily on genes involved in the information transfer processes, is inconsistent with the ultrastructural characteristics of prokaryotes, the phylogenies of many genes and highly conserved proteins, and it pro ides no explanation as to the differences seen between different groups of organisms. A second alternate proposal for the evolution of major groups of prokaryotes and the origin of eukaryotes has emerged from extensive analyses of numerous con-served indels found in various proteins. This proposal discerns only two domains, Procaryotae and Eucaryotae. Among the former group, two subdomains, Monodermata and Didermata, are distinguished. In view of the two-domain concept, all eukaryotic cells are descendants of the ancestral chimera that arose by a unique fusion event between an archaebacterium and a Gram-negative eubacterium. The new proposal calls into ąuestion the validity of the three domain model and the assignment of domain status to Archaea, as well as the idea of eukaryotes having been directly descended from the archaebacterial ancestor.


l. Introduction. 2. Principles of current evolutionary paradigm. 3. Incongruities within the evolutionary paradigm. 4. Critique of validity of the three domain proposal. 5. An alternate proposal for evolution of Prokaryota. 6. Position of archaeabacteria in a new evolutionary model. 7. The origin and phylogenetic relationships among diderm bacteria. 8. Evolutionary relationship between Eukaryota and proteobacteria, 9. Synthesis of the new proposal for evolution of Prokaryota and the origin of Eukaryota


Wydział Biologii I Ochrony Środowiska
Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice




Wpłynęło w listopadzie 2002 r.

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